May 25, 2009

Knight Nehemiah

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Narnia Costume

I just finished Nehemiah's Narnia "Edmund" costume. It is bright red broadcloth, with a yellow felt lion appliqued on the front. There are four walking splits, front, back, and sides.

Knight Nehemiah made a matching shield to go with his outfit. Noah lent his Vision Forum sword for the pose.

Up close of the lion applique. He loves his costume!

May 10, 2009

Pilgrim Costumes!

I was just recently informed that this year we are getting together with two other homeschooling families to have an old-fashioned Thanksgiving. We will all be dressing up as Pilgrims, and cooking old-fashioned recipes. This (of course) means that we will all need costumes. And I (of course) gladly accepted the challenge. Drafting a pattern of a men's coat with a v-shaped peblum. (The link has a sketch of five ladies; the lady in the grey dress has a peblum style jacket). Daniel, Joseph, Nehemiah, Noah, Elijah, and Papa will have the v-shaped peblum jacket and knee-length breeches. The women's garments are somewhat easier, layers and layers of petticoats, and a straight waisted peblum top. They have a small cap and a large waist apron as well. Small children up to age 7 have to wear a little gown! This means Ezra and Anna will have little "dresses"! And contrary to common belief, the Pilgrims did not wear buckles, they did not dress in completely black, and not everyone wore the big fluffy white collars. They used buttons for decoration (lots of buttons!), and they used vegetable dyes and muted colors for their garments. Their outfits were basically a simplified version of the current English fashion. This is going to be a real sewing adventure! I'm glad I'm starting early. Sewing for 11 is not an easy task!