December 19, 2008

Anna's Christmas Dress

Hello to all my blog readers! I am now beginning to make regular posts. I had a long break from sewing for 3 weeks due to school, sickness, and other circumstances. Now I am very busy getting Christmas projects finished before next week! Anna's Christmas dress is in the works currently. I'm using a deep purple satin fabric and lace for edging. I have light purple lace or a short bolero jacket to go over. I'm using Simplicity Pattern 4764, size 5. Cutting out the dress was tricky, because the fabric is very slippery. I used a lot of pins, and it held well. I'm making a short cover-up jacket out of the light purple lace fabric. I debated about doing a light purple lining on the lace jacket, but decide not to, because the lace looks prettier over the purple alone. The lace ribbon will go around the hem, sleeves, and perhaps the front of the jacket, depending on how much I have left after the hem. This is . . . Friday night? And this dress is going to be finished by Sunday morning! I will get it done :) Pictures will follow.


  1. make sure you post a picture of the finished product!

  2. To all readers: the dress Anne made is very pretty, and I was surprised at how quickly she was able to make it. (Anna was able to wear it Sunday morning!!)
    -Joseph Cook
